Déan teagmháil linn :  Guthán: 064-6634765  |   R-Phost: loughquittanens@gmail.com

Team Hope Shoebox Appeal

We recently took part in the Team Hope Christmas Shoe box appeal. This is an initiative to deliver shoe boxes of gifts to some of the poorest and most marginalised children in the world, some of whom live in the remotest areas of our planet.

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For this every child brought in items to place in their class shoe box as gifts for less fortunate children. These items had to fall into one of the following 4 ‘W’ categories:  Something to Wash with, Something to Wear, Something to Write with and something to provide the recipient with the Wow factor.


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Examples of some of the things we brought in were wash cloths, toothbrushes, sunglasses, hats, scarves, socks, pencils, crayons, paper and the Wow factor which tended to be such toys as hair accessories, dinky cars and and games. As part of our work on Global Citizenship, we realise the importance of helping those less fortunate living near and far, and we are very proud of our efforts here in Loughquittane NS. We hope the children receiving the gifts both enjoy them and find them useful.

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