School Tour to The Eclipse Activity Center
We recently went on our school tour to The Eclipse Activity Center in Kenmare. Here we faced a gruelling day of mud running and completing an assault course. We had a brilliant day even if we were covered from head to toe in muck by the end of the day!
As an added bonus we even got to see our teachers fall into the bog holes!! We had great fun and are already wondering if we could go back again next year!!
Michael O Connor Visit
We recently had a visit from a local man, Michael O Connor who is 102 years old. In a year of commemoration, he was alive when the 1916 rising took place. This makes him older than Ireland!! He spoke to us about his life right from the beginning up to present day. We learned much from him and he had some fascinating tales for us. He says the secret to longevity of years is everything in moderation. He led an amazing life taking an active part in World War II and he has seen many great changes throughout his lifetime. We are very lucky to have him living nearby and were honoured by his visit.
Science Week
“We recently learned all about electricity and circuits during Science week. We learned all about the history of electricity and had great fun making our own electrical circuits”.
Mr O Donoghue recently took part in Movember and we all sponsored him to help raise money and awareness for Men’s cancer. We raised nearly €150 which is great as it helps such a worthy cause. On the last Friday of November we all painted our own moustache’s on which looked nearly as funny as the one Mr O Donoghue was sporting throughout the month!! Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Welcome back to school everybody particularly those in 5th and 6th classes. We especially welcome our new arrival Roberto who has joined us for the year and is from Spain. We look forward to learning lots from him about life in Spain. We are currently swimming each Friday until the Halloween midterm break and also have hurling each Tuesday with Pat, and football each Wednesday with Vince. This will be a really busy year for our room with Confirmation , (March 20th), football matches and Music, as well as all the work we have to get through!! We are looking forward to it and are sure we will have lots of fun!!
We recently made our Confirmation in St. Mary’s Cathedral. We were the first ever people to be confirmed by Bishop Ray Browne in the Cathedral. Afterwards we had a great day with our family and friends.
School Tour
We have been having great fun in school recently with our sports day, school tour, and a climb to the top of mangerton all being completed within the last few weeks! For our school tour we went to Dublin on the train. We had to get up really early for this!! While in Dublin we visited Croke Park and had a tour all around the stadium as well as having great fun in the Museum. We also went on the Viking Splash tour which was a bus tour around Viking Dublinia before the bus drove into the water at Grand Canal Dock. Despite rumours to the contrary, luckily we stayed afloat!!!! Finally we visited the Leprechaun museum which was great craic before getting the train home. We were very tired on the journey home but had a fantastic day out.
We also had a brilliant day out when climbing Mangerton. The day was really sunny and we had some great views of Muckross and Killarney on the way up. We had a picnic at the top near the Devil’s Punchbowl and most of us also drank some water from this lake. It was lovely and cold!! We took plenty of rest breaks on the way up and down and everyone had a great day.