Safety Statement
The Board of Management of Loughquittane N.S. charged with the direct government of the school, has prepared this Safety Statement in accordance with the requirements of the Safety, Health and Welfare Act 1989, Section 12, sub-sections 1 – 8. In doing so it is mindful of the unique place the school occupies as an extension of the home life of the child and of the responsibilities entrusted to the personnel of the school by the parents of the pupils.
Safety, health and welfare within the school is, and has always been, a most sacred duty incumbent on all members of the school community and one which calls for constant vigilance.
Under Rule 123 (4) and Circular 16/73 of the Department of Education, the Principal Teacher, Alison Coffey, is responsible for the discipline of the school generally, the control of other members of the teaching and non teaching staff, including the co-ordination and effective supervision of their work, the organisation of the school and other matters relating to the work of the school. The annual risk assessment undertaken as part of our Child Safeguarding strategy will highlight any possible safety risks which need to be remediated.
It is the duty of the Deputy Principal, Rachel Kelliher to draw up a table of names and times of supervision duties and to display this on the staff notice board.
The Deputy Principal Rachel Kelliher, John O Donoghue, John McKenna, Lorraine Fitzgerald and Amy Arthur are required to assist the Principal with the day to day organisation and supervision of the school. Rachel Kelliher is also The Safety Representative. All First Aid duties will be shared
In accordance with Section 13 (3) of the Act, the teaching staff in consultation with other employees may select from time to time a representative who as a “safety representative” will conduct consultations with the Principal and/or with the Board pursuant to this section.
The Board in consultation with the Staff, has identified the following areas of school life and activity as requiring special care in order to prevent injury or damage to members of the school community:
- Activity outside the classroom.
- Activity within the classroom.
- Restricted areas.
- Fire Drill.
- First Aid.
The school opens at 8:50am to accept children arriving early. This early supervision is provide by teachers on a rota basis. Official school business commences at 9.00am and in accordance with Rule 124 (4), all teachers will be present to exercise the required supervision of their classes at that time. It is recognised that the short breaks at 10.50am and the lunch breaks at 12.30pm require special attention and care. Attention of the teaching staff is directed to Rule 121 (4). In all pupil activity involving games of whatsoever kind, teachers will exercise prudent judgement on the level of safety required and bring to the notice of the Principal any matter requiring corrective action.
Within the classroom and school building during normal school hours, the hazards with potential for injury are:
- Activities involving the use of tools of any kind e.g. scissors, knives, pointed implements etc.
- Activities involving the use of electric power.
- Mobile furniture.
The teachers are professional people trained to conduct group activity. Teachers and ancillary staff are required to conduct a periodic safety check of their classrooms and to effect or to request immediate corrective action
The restricted areas in the school at present are as follows:
- The boiler house at the side of the school is never accessed by children and always locked.
- The walk-in storage area for cleaning agents and equipment is kept lock at all times, and is never accessed by children.
- The strongroom where IT equipment and resources are stored is accessed through the general access bathroom by an adult, or children being supervised by an adult .
- The Porto Cabin & Oil Tank are restricted to designated personnel.
- Garden area is out of bounds unless part of curriculum activity.
- The staffroom is restricted to adults, and children only under adult supervision
Hygiene is the concern of everyone in our school. Good hygiene practice is essential for the health and welfare of all in the school. For this reason any infringement of the Code of Conduct in this regard will be regarded with particular seriousness. Teachers are requested to train their pupils in good hygiene practice. The Staff, both Teaching and Ancillary, are requested to be vigilant in this regard and bring to the notice of the Principal any corrective action which may be deemed necessary.
The Board draws attention to the dangers of fire and to the loss of life that may be caused in the event of a fire in the school. Each teacher shall instruct his/her pupils in the event of a fire drill, to be observed in the event of fire. The following instructions are to be observed in the case of fire:
- When in class, orders to leave will be given to by the person in charge of the class, who will indicate the route to be followed.
- When not in class, form single file, and go by direct route to the assembly area.
- Silence should be observed.
- Nobody is to return for anything left inside the building.
- Fire drill procedure to be practiced annually during the first halfterm.
In the event of accidents it may be necessary to administer First Aid. To this end, all staff shall use First Aid equipment, and follow procedures outlined in the “School Accident / Injury Policy”.
Loughquittane N.S. may be used for non-teaching activities, including meetings and elections by prior arrangement with the Board of Management. On such occasions, access is limited to preapproved areas of the school and preapproved school equipment only. All entrances and exits will be clearly marked, with external lighting checked in advance. Fire extinguishers are located in all such areas. Wheelchair access is also signed. Excess furniture and equipment will be removed. The caretaker will be available to unlock and lock the school on such occasions.
This Safety Statement has been updated with reference to the conditions existing in the school at the time of writing (April 2019). It will be altered, revised and updated so as to comply with any changes in conditions.
Chairperson Board of Management Principal
Lily Cronin Alison Coffey