Déan teagmháil linn :  Guthán: 064-6634765  |   R-Phost: loughquittanens@gmail.com

Loughquittane N.S. Statement of Strategy for School Attendance


Name of school Loughquittane N. S.
Address Muckross,Killarney,

Co. Kerry

Roll Number 10049M
The school’s vision and values in relation to attendance Loughquittane N.S. seeks to enable each child to develop to his /her full potential in a caring environment. The BOM recognises the clear and direct relationship between regular school attendance and pupil progress. High attendance is linked to pupils staying in education for longer. Overall, good attendance engenders a positive attitude to school and learning. The Board also recognises the impact of poor attendance on wider aspects of a student’s life, such as weak peer relationships, risks of engagement in anti-social activity and poor family relationships. 
The school’s high expectations around attendance Every child, upon reaching their sixth birthday, is obliged by the Education (Welfare) Act to attend school every day on which the school is in operation, unless there is a reasonable excuse for not attending.Taking into consideration Section 21(9) of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, only absences relating to activities organised by the school or in which the school is involved can be authorised by the Principal. Therefore we cannot give “permission” for holiday absences during term time.

If a parent decides to take a child on holiday during school term, they are required to provide a letter to the school stating their intentions and that they are aware of the implications this decision will have on their child’s education.

Where an appointment is scheduled within the school day (S&L, OT, dentist), parents are encouraged to send the child as normal in the morning and return the child to school following the appointment.


How attendance will be monitored Daily attendance is taken by class teachers, as well as a record of late arrivals and early departures.Teachers will alert the principal if a pupil is absent for an extended period.

Patterns of casual and / or unexplained absences are discussed with the school principal.


Summary of the main elements of the school’s approach to attendance:·      Target setting and targets

·      The whole-school approach

·      Promoting good attendance

·      Responding to poor attendance

Regular school attendance is promoted by all teachers, with children’s presence celebrated.Our ethos of full attendance is promoted through our holistic approach to teaching, and our nurturing environment, through PTMs and the Parent Association A.G.M.

All absences must be explained in writing.

Where a child has been absent for ten days, is absent regularly, or there is a pattern of absenteeism emerging, the principal contacts the parent(s) informally by telephone.

Where necessary, pupils are supported by class teacher, principal and SET.

Reporting to Túsla as necessary.


School roles in relation to attendance Rolls are maintained on Aladdin by individual class teachers or the Principal/ Deputy Principal where a class teacher is absent.The Principal is responsible for reporting to TUSLA at the relevant points during the school year and at the end of the school year in the Annual School Report. These are reported electronically using Aladdin.


Partnership arrangements (parents, students, other schools, youth and community groups) Parents, staff members and the children themselves are encouraged to uphold the school’s Policy on Attendance.
How the Statement of Strategy will be monitored School Attendance will be monitored throughout the school year in consultation with the class teachers and parents. 
Review process and date for review September 2018
Date the Statement of Strategy was approved by the Board of Management September 2017
Date the Statement of Strategy submitted to Tusla 29th September, 2017